
Merry christmas

christmas... and u r the only one in my mind....


Merry christmas to u...

I cant never wish u by my own mouth and exchange presents like we used to had in last christmasssss. Merry christmas 2009 to u. U give me the best christmas in 2006 and 2008. I wish u can enjoy urself to the maximum without me by urside. I will oways love u, bb. Dun drink too much, drive carefully.


22 december 2009

We started our love journey at 22 Jun 2006. It had been 3 and half a year, almost 4 years, IF we r still together.

How r u lately? Getting well with your new her? She is lucky to have u. I am lucky enough to once had u. I guess u have already forgotten the days that we went through hand in hand, together. Maybe its good for u, at least u r happy now. I pretend that i am strong, in fact, i am not.

I am mad. I lost my mind. Since September. I drunk. I Smoke. I cry. I have nightmares. I miss u, badly. I hope i can die tommorow, so that i won't suffer in missing u. If u think that leaving me is the best way, it actually turn me into this situation. Who am i? What am i without u? I forget how i smile, i did smile when receive ur sms greeting me good nite. That's all in my daily smile part. The rest are tears.